Monday, December 5, 2011



Really quiet today,
That silence took over again,
since the moment the eyes open.

Walking round the mall,
Looking through the items on the shelves,
The finger tips running through those expensive items,
When there's a realization,
that there's no joy to it,
there's no peace in it,
there's nothing on it,
It is just an item.

There used to be a desire to buy them,
there used to be an amazement to it,
there used to be an excitement that filled the heart.
But no,
there's only quiet moment,
a realization that its only an item.
That one day will aged,
that one day will vanished,
that one day will be thrown to the dustbin,
that one day will be forgotten,
because they are just an item,
and we are just a human.

"Dan Kami tidak menjadikan hidup abadi bagi seorang manusia sebelum engkau (Muhammad), maka, jika engkau wafat, apakah mereka akan kekal?

Setiap yang bernyawa akan merasakan mati. Kami akan menguji kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan. Dan kamu akan dikembalikan hanya kepada Kami" (Surah al-anbiya': 34-35)

untuk kebaikan, harus Ikhlas dan nekad ^.^,
 - daie_soleh & hanifmarwa -

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