Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Parents rarely let go...

One fine day that Allah swt has given to many of us...
A pool of words can make so much sense when it is being used to describe so many occurrence of our life or the others before us...
However, this one, left me speechless. SubhanAllah...

Do we? Do we move on? Do we move away? Do we let go of our parents? T.T,

Ya Allah, ampunilah aku dan kedua orang tuaku dan kasihanilah keduanya sebagaimana mereka mengasihiku pada waktu kecil

untuk kebaikan, harus Ikhlas dan nekad ^.^,
 - daie_soleh & hanifmarwa -


  1. the book is not produced from an Islamic author, and I'm not sure if it is from a christian author or something, but it is a good read.

    "Five people I meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom


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