SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar.
Alhamdulilllah, Allah swt still gave us a chance to live. An opportunity to read, an opportunity to be in front of the laptops/iPad/whatever device that you use to read this article and an opportunity to breathe in tonnes of fresh air for free. SubhanAllah...
This time, I would like to share a little bit on what I've read from the latest issue of GenQ magazine. For this edition, family theme was being brought up, and all of the related article in it was being written amazingly well. All of which make the reader ponder back on how our relationship with our parents are.
When we are so busy with our schedule, school, classes, exams, and Everest high pile of jobs (and D&T ^.^), we often forgot that as the time passes by, it actually brought us closer and closer towards our death. We are getting older and older day by day, and maybe if Allah swt permits, we might see ourselves with grey hair, back pain, arthritis, dozens of wrinkles and many other signs of old age.
Then imagine how our parents have gone through these phases of old age development. And imagine how they have waited for our existence in this world. How they have prepared it so well, to ensure that we have a good life ahead of us (well since I saw my brother and sister-in-law did it, I've got to say, it was quite a handful to handle ^.^,). And as we developed to adolescent, they have to deal with our behaviour, tantrums and ups and down, in the process of finding our own identity. And it doesn't stop there, as we grow older together with them, they've provide us with a handful of advice, guidance and ideas. All of which are being done with lots of love of a parent towards their child - all because of Allah swt.
They did all of these to make us much closer towards Allah swt, for us to become a better 'abid in front of Allah swt, and a better human being. To make us become one of those human being yang mentauhidkan Allah swt, and prostrate towards Allah swt as a humble slave in this world. No matter how they didik each and every one of us, I believe, those are their style of bringing up their child to be the best in this world and the hereafter. Isn't it? (^.^,) InsyAllah one day, when we have one of our own (yg comel2 dan soleh2 ^.^), I believe we will understand this better.
Allah swt said in Surah Al-Isra':
"Dan Tuhan-mu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah kamu membuat baik kepada ibubapamu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika salah seorang diantara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai usia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan "ah" dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mullia. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ucapkanlah: "Wahai Tuhan-ku, kasihanilah mereka sebagaimana mereka telah mendidik aku waktu kecil"
Bukhari dan Muslim meriwayatkan dari Ibn Mas'ud r.a. beliau berkata yang bermaksud:
"Aku pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw, "Apakah amalan yang paling dicintai Allah swt?, Baginda menjawab, "Solat pada waktu(utama)nya", Aku bertanya, "Kemudian apa lagi?". Baginda menjawab, "Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua", Aku bertanya"Kemudian apa lagi?", Baginda menjawab "Berjihad fi sabilillah".
Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a daripada Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Celakalah! Celakalah! Celakalah! Iaitu orang yang mempunyai ibubapa yang sudah tua sama ada seorang atau kedua mereka, tetapi dia tidak berhak masuk syurga, kerana dia tidak berbuat baik kepada mereka"
Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Ibn Umar r.a. bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya kebaikan yang paling utama adalah seseorang memelihara hubungan baik dengan orang tuanya"
So, how was that? Al-Quran and Hadith have shown us great methods on what we should do towards our parents. Our parents have poured us with non-stop love and care that are priceless to pay back. And it is not possible to pay back! Imagine the amount of hard work that our dad need to perform to let us eat a spoon of rice. And imagine how much effort and pain that were required to feed us inside our mother's womb. Can we count it one by one? And if we are in our twenties, how much food have we gulped down for the past years? hehe...uncountable isn't it? That's only part of the love that our parents has provided us with. And remember that those love originate from Yang Maha Mencintai dan Yang Maha Mengasihi. SubhanAllah...that's how Allah swt has tarbiyyah us, in becoming a better 'abid in this world and the here after. It doesn't hurt to show our thankful towards Allah swt by saying, Alhamdulillah...
And it doesn't hurt to make continuous doa for both of our parents. Here's one that I've just learnt:
"Ya Allah swt, ampunilah kedua orang tuaku, anugerahka mereka dengan kesejahteraan. kesihatan dan tidak mudah lupa, agar mereka dapat menjalani apa yang diperintahkanMu, aku mohon perlindunganMu terhadap mereka daripada azab api neraka" amiin..
SubhanAllah, may Allah swt always showers us with His barakah for us, our parents, our entire family (and if Allah's will, future parents and family), and friends. InsyAllah..
So, before we die, make sure that we do all the things that we could to become a better son or daughter to both of our parents. Mesti Ikhlas dan tekad tau! ^.^,
untuk kebaikan, harus Ikhlas dan nekad ^.^,
- daie_soleh & hanifmarwa -
SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar.
Alhamdulilllah, Allah swt still gave us a chance to live. An opportunity to read, an opportunity to be in front of the laptops/iPad/whatever device that you use to read this article and an opportunity to breathe in tonnes of fresh air for free. SubhanAllah...
This time, I would like to share a little bit on what I've read from the latest issue of GenQ magazine. For this edition, family theme was being brought up, and all of the related article in it was being written amazingly well. All of which make the reader ponder back on how our relationship with our parents are.
When we are so busy with our schedule, school, classes, exams, and Everest high pile of jobs (and D&T ^.^), we often forgot that as the time passes by, it actually brought us closer and closer towards our death. We are getting older and older day by day, and maybe if Allah swt permits, we might see ourselves with grey hair, back pain, arthritis, dozens of wrinkles and many other signs of old age.
Maybe we will look like this >.< [kredit] |
Then imagine how our parents have gone through these phases of old age development. And imagine how they have waited for our existence in this world. How they have prepared it so well, to ensure that we have a good life ahead of us (well since I saw my brother and sister-in-law did it, I've got to say, it was quite a handful to handle ^.^,). And as we developed to adolescent, they have to deal with our behaviour, tantrums and ups and down, in the process of finding our own identity. And it doesn't stop there, as we grow older together with them, they've provide us with a handful of advice, guidance and ideas. All of which are being done with lots of love of a parent towards their child - all because of Allah swt.
They did all of these to make us much closer towards Allah swt, for us to become a better 'abid in front of Allah swt, and a better human being. To make us become one of those human being yang mentauhidkan Allah swt, and prostrate towards Allah swt as a humble slave in this world. No matter how they didik each and every one of us, I believe, those are their style of bringing up their child to be the best in this world and the hereafter. Isn't it? (^.^,) InsyAllah one day, when we have one of our own (yg comel2 dan soleh2 ^.^), I believe we will understand this better.
Allah swt said in Surah Al-Isra':
"Dan Tuhan-mu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah kamu membuat baik kepada ibubapamu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika salah seorang diantara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai usia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan "ah" dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mullia. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ucapkanlah: "Wahai Tuhan-ku, kasihanilah mereka sebagaimana mereka telah mendidik aku waktu kecil"
Bukhari dan Muslim meriwayatkan dari Ibn Mas'ud r.a. beliau berkata yang bermaksud:
"Aku pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw, "Apakah amalan yang paling dicintai Allah swt?, Baginda menjawab, "Solat pada waktu(utama)nya", Aku bertanya, "Kemudian apa lagi?". Baginda menjawab, "Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua", Aku bertanya"Kemudian apa lagi?", Baginda menjawab "Berjihad fi sabilillah".
Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a daripada Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Celakalah! Celakalah! Celakalah! Iaitu orang yang mempunyai ibubapa yang sudah tua sama ada seorang atau kedua mereka, tetapi dia tidak berhak masuk syurga, kerana dia tidak berbuat baik kepada mereka"
Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Ibn Umar r.a. bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya kebaikan yang paling utama adalah seseorang memelihara hubungan baik dengan orang tuanya"
So, how was that? Al-Quran and Hadith have shown us great methods on what we should do towards our parents. Our parents have poured us with non-stop love and care that are priceless to pay back. And it is not possible to pay back! Imagine the amount of hard work that our dad need to perform to let us eat a spoon of rice. And imagine how much effort and pain that were required to feed us inside our mother's womb. Can we count it one by one? And if we are in our twenties, how much food have we gulped down for the past years? hehe...uncountable isn't it? That's only part of the love that our parents has provided us with. And remember that those love originate from Yang Maha Mencintai dan Yang Maha Mengasihi. SubhanAllah...that's how Allah swt has tarbiyyah us, in becoming a better 'abid in this world and the here after. It doesn't hurt to show our thankful towards Allah swt by saying, Alhamdulillah...
count every bits of it. can you? >.<
And it doesn't hurt to make continuous doa for both of our parents. Here's one that I've just learnt:
"Ya Allah swt, ampunilah kedua orang tuaku, anugerahka mereka dengan kesejahteraan. kesihatan dan tidak mudah lupa, agar mereka dapat menjalani apa yang diperintahkanMu, aku mohon perlindunganMu terhadap mereka daripada azab api neraka" amiin..
SubhanAllah, may Allah swt always showers us with His barakah for us, our parents, our entire family (and if Allah's will, future parents and family), and friends. InsyAllah..
So, before we die, make sure that we do all the things that we could to become a better son or daughter to both of our parents. Mesti Ikhlas dan tekad tau! ^.^,
its not wrong to say that you love them ^.^, tak kirelah awak lelaki atau perempuan, awak still lagi anak mak & ayah ^.^, [kredit] |
untuk kebaikan, harus Ikhlas dan nekad ^.^,
- daie_soleh & hanifmarwa -