Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saya Couple, Saya OK

the title might seem a bit weird.
but I've read this article. Totally amazing! The way the article being written is what I've been thinking and trying to say all these time, but just cannot put it in a good sentence and writing.

So, i give full credit to the writer (whom I don't even know). Someone from my class share it at our gg.

To you all readers, no offence if the content is a bit harsh to you. But just remember that whatever you going to do after this, if this knowledge applies to you all, then, go back and think. What should I answer in front of Allah swt if I die this instance? Will you ever smell the kingdom of heaven? or will you be the one being thrown away by Allah swt to the dungeon of hell?

happy reading & beramal everyone!

p/s the article is very long (to me it is), but just be patience, cause insyAllah you will find the guidance and good advice from here =)


Part 1

"Saya dah sekian lama menjalinkan hubungan dengan dia. Masuk ini dah hampir 3 tahun kami bercouple. Tapi pada kami, couple tidaklah seburuk yang sering digambarkan oleh 'orang agama'. Saya bercouple, dan saya ok. Kami menjaga batas perhubungan dan saling menghormati. Keluarga kami pun merestui perhubungan ini, cuma mungkin kami belum bersedia untuk berkahwin. Tentang pelbagai kes terlanjur, zina dan buang anak, pada kami itu perbuatan manusia2 yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak mengenal erti cinta yang sebenar. Itu manusia2 yang gilakan seks semata2."

Apa pandangan anda dengan statement di atas?

Kita akui, apa yang dinyatakan dalam statement di atas, atau yang mungkin keluar dari mulut sebahagian besar 'ahli couple' pada hari ini ada benarnya. Memang ada orang yang bercouple, tetapi akhirnya sampai ke jinjang pelamin. Siap kekal ke anak cucu. Siap boleh cerita pula dekat cucu2 tentang kisah couple mereka.

Sesetengah pula menganggap couple itu sebagai satu keunikan dalam bercinta. Itu mereka namakan sebagai variasi. Ada masa keluar makan bersama, berpimpinan di taman bunga, juga ada ketika meluangkan masa untuk ke pawagam menonton filem.

Itu pada mereka pelangi dan warna warni dalam percintaan. Ia membawa kepada keakraban hati dan lebih mengenali.

Kalau berjauhan pula, medium2 seperti facebook, skype dan 'coling2' boleh dimanfaatkan sebaiknya. Bukankah itu satu keindahan dalam perhubungan, sepertimana yang sering kita saksikan dalam filem2? Bukankah suatu yang sangat 'sweet' bila sang lelaki sanggup menelefon dari luar negara selama berjam2, semata2 mahu memujuk hati kita yang merajuk?

Ah. Keasyikan cinta ini benar2 menjadikan dunia ini aku yang punya.


Tunggu dulu.

Bercouple memang seronok, itu saya tidak nafikan. Mencegah orang daripada couple pula sesuatu yang sangat tidak seronok, bahkan makin membuatkan diri dibenci, itu pun tidak saya nafikan. Pada saya, dah terlanjur anda masuk membaca, mari kita berdiskusi dari segala sudut yang ada. Supaya akhirnya yang menang bukan orang yang nak couple, dan yang kalah bukan orang yang asyik larang orang dari couple.

Baik, kita cari kebenaran.

Apabila masuk bab nak mencari kebenaran, kita rasa meluat pula untuk cari 'orang agama', apatah lagi mereka2 ini jenis yang suka menghukum. Tak apa, kita tak payah cari orang agama. Tapi kita tak suka pada orang agama tak bermakna kita tak beriman pada Al-Quran dan Sunnah, betul? Jadi kita buka sendiri Al-Quran dan Sunnah.

Sekali lagi, kita nak mencari kebenaran.

Cari punya cari, dalam Al-Quran mahupun Sunnah, dalam 114 surah mahupun dalam Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi dan segala kitab hadis yang ada, langsung tidak dijumpai dalil yang membolehkan :

1- berhubungan antara lelaki dan perempuan selain pada perkara yang harus
2- berpegangan tangan atau berdating
3- bergayut , bergurau senda, bernada manja , usik mengusik dan berterbangan di pelangi bersama2
4- melazimi perkara2 / perbuatan2 yang membawa kepada mukaddimah zina

Kesemua di atas, yang terkandung dalam maksud 'couple' tidak ada nas yang membolehkannya , baik dari Al-Quran mahupun Sunnah.

Bahkan kita terjumpa pula dengan satu ayat di dalam Surah An Nur :

Firman Allah ta'ala : " Katakanlah kepada lelaki2 yang beriman supaya menahan ( menundukkan ) pandangan mereka dan menjaga kemaluan ( kehormatan ) mereka.."

Firman Allah ta'ala : " Katakanlah kepada perempuan2 yang beriman supaya menahan ( menundukkan ) pandangan mereka dan menjaga kemaluan ( kehormatan ) mereka.."

Belek2 lagi, jumpa pula Firman Allah ta'ala :

" Dan janganlah kamu merendahkan ( memanjakan ) suara kamu ketika bercakap , kerana dikhuatiri akan timbul keinginan ( nafsu ) pada orang2 yang berpenyakit dalam hati mereka .."

Kemudian kita termenung seketika. Walaupun tak mampu baca kitab arab, tetapi tafsir Al-Quran terjemahan dalam bahasa melayu berlambak dekat kedai. Bila baca dan perhati ayat2 Allah di atas, nampak macam terkena batang hidung sendiri pula.

Lelaki yang beriman? Akulah itu.
Perempuan yang beriman ? Akulah itu.
Merendah suara? Manja2 masa bercakap ngan boyfriend? Mengusik2 girlfriend? Akulah itu. Yelah, adat bercinta mestilah nak manja2. Tapi Allah larang ....
Tak menjaga kehormatan? Nafsu? Hm, Akulah itu. Yelah, ada masanya keluar pegang2 tangan, duduk rapat2.Ini pun Allah larang..

Baik, berbalik kepada perbincangan asal. Iaitu mencari kebenaran.

Sudahkah kita temui kebenaran tersebut?

Apabila kita buang rasa jengkel kita pada orang2 yang selalu menegur atau mengkritik kita kerana bercouple, dan kita letakkan hal tersebut antara kita dan Allah, comfirm kita akan bertemu dengan persoalan2 di atas. Betul atau tidak, ada di kalangan yang asyik bercouple akan berkata begini :

" Ah, ini urusan aku dengan Tuhan. Kalau aku berdosa, itu aku dengan Tuhan. Kau sibuk apa? "

Pada saya, kata2 ini POSITIF, walaupun sesetengah orang menganggap macam negatif. Lebih2 lagi pada orang yang ikhlas tegur kawan dia supaya jangan bercouple, tetapi tiba2 dimarah sebegitu. Kurang asam betul. Akhirnya bergaduh tak sudah.

Kenapa saya kata positif?

Sebabnya, mereka2 ini masih sedar hakikat keterikatan diri mereka dengan Tuhan. Masih rasa bertuhan. Tinggal lagi, mereka tidak faham kenapa tidak boleh dan kenapa Tuhan larang. Tetapi kalau mereka benar2 menggunakan akal dan hati mereka untuk mencari kebenaran, seperti contoh di atas, mereka pasti akan berhenti dan berusaha menghindari, kerana mereka tahu itu Tuhan yang cakap, bukan kawan.

Hidayah milik Allah..

Cuma masalahnya adalah sesetengah orang yang mengungkapkan kata2 di atas, mengaku itu urusan mereka dengan Tuhan, tetapi tidak pernah cuba untuk 'menyelesaikan' hal tersebut dengan Tuhan. Kalau menyampah dengan teguran manusia, pergilah kepada Tuhan. Buka Al-Quran , baca terjemahan , contohnya ayat2 di atas. Kalau dah jelas lagi terang bahawa itu larangan Tuhan , kenapa masih tegar melakukan..?

Kecuali kalau anda sanggup menjawab begini : " Ah, itu urusan aku sendiri. Kau dengan Tuhan peduli apa? "

Anda sanggup..?

Saya Couple , Saya OK

Kebiasaannya, hujah ini keluar dari mulut dua golongan. Pertama, golongan yang bukan belajar agama. Tetapi mereka berminda intelektual. Masing2 ada pasangan, ada masa berdating dan ada masa fokus bekerja atau belajar. Kehidupan mereka jauh dari anasir2 tidak sihat seperti hubungan seks bebas dan sebagainya.

Kedua, golongan yang belajar agama. Berminda agamawan. Berjiwa islamik. Pandai mengarang ayat2 tazkirah dan mutiara kata hikmah. Mereka mempunyai pasangan masing2, ada masa bergayut di telefon, ada masa ber'sms' , ada masa mengirim hadiah harijadi, ada masa saling kejut untuk bangun Qiamullail, dan ada masa mereka benar2 fokus pada pelajaran dan kerja agama.

Kedua2 golongan ini adalah golongan yang paling suka menyatakan : Saya couple, tapi saya OK.

Persoalannya..benarkah couple itu OK?
Apa pula pandangan anda

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Rasulullah saw adalah contoh teladan,

Para sahabat, seperti bintang, petunjuk jalan...

on how a life of a muslim & mukmin should be...


ever heard of the phrase halawatul iman? or Kemanisan Iman? or the sweetness of iman?

well, it is not a theory to be memorized, or a story to be told, neither it is a food to eat :p

of course many of us, muslim have heard of the word iman. An arabic word that if you search the dictionary, would tell its meaning as a belief or to hold as true. However, in Islamic terminology, iman consisting of three parts that cannot ever (ever..and again I emphasize, EVER!) be separated from each other:

1) profession with the tongue
2) conviction of the truth of this profession with the heart
3) and implementation and action on the requirements of this profession with the body and the heart!

so, in simple terms, when one say that he/she is a mukmin, who has iman in his/her hearts, they will say it from their mouth, believe in their heart, and from those believe, they will not just let it stay in the heart, but they will also execute it in the forms of amalan that is full of sincerity towards Allah swt.

amazing rite?

meaning, if you say that you have iman towards Allah swt and Rasulullah saw, you must believe and 'membenarkan' inside your heart. Then, you will also do everything in your power and will to do what has been told by Allah swt and Rasulullah saw, through Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
So, You will pray five times a day, you will fast in the month of ramadhan, and if you are good mukmin, you will also do the sunnat part. Besides that, you will pay your zakat, you will also do your hajj and you will do everything in your power and strength to call upon all those people out there to fully submit themselves towards Allah swt - in other words, Dakwah ;)


what's interesting is that, iman also have its own taste. and the greatest taste of all is called the halawatul iman...or the sweetness of iman...or kemanisan iman (one of the reason why I wanted to write so bad and share with all of you today).

halawatul iman, cannot be bought from the nearby store. it is a feeling inside a muslim's and a mukmin's heart when they fully and completely give the submission of their love, hates, social relations and every part of their lives to Allah swt.

From Anas bin Malik RA, Rasulullah saw said that:
"there's three things that if it exist inside a person, he/she will feel the halawatul iman/the sweetness of iman:
when Allah swt and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anything else,
that he love the others (muslims/people) only for the sake of Allah the Most High
and that he hate to return to kufur (disbelief) as he would hate to be thrown to into the hell fire"
(HR Muslim & Bukhari)

did you see that?
Rasulullah saw has told us on how to get those halawatul iman! and only you! yes you! yourself need to strive and work hard in order to achieve it. And just so you all know, when you did get your halawatul iman, there's nothing else in your life in this world that you would seek for, but just to seek for Allah's swt love and redaNya

wallahu 'alam

langkah yang berterusan

"Selangkah yang diambil, semoga ia berterusan sehinggalah aku berjumpa dengan Allah swt"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jerit! Jilid 1

these are ours.

Program Jerit! merupakan salah satu siri khas aktiviti amal Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) yang diadakan untuk dapat memupuk rasa bertanggungjawab terhadap komuniti yang memerlukan tanpa mengira tempat, agama dan bangsa. Bertemakan ketuhanan dan kemanusiaan dalam setiap seni persembahan yang diadakan, Tronoh Theatre Shop juga akan bekerjasama dengan pihak badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) iaitu Aqsa Syarif dalam menyalurkan hasil keuntungan jualan tiket persembahan kepada rakyat Palestin.

more on event:

Apa lagi yang best?
ada written art competiton, photography competition, talk on palestine.
talk ni yang best ^_^

more here:

Aku bersaksi

artis: Firdaus, Noh-Hujan, Sheila Abdull

Aku melihat dunia pada mengenalMu
Namun tak hentikanku untuk terus mencariMu
Sampaiku rasa ada suatu yang berbeza
Kehampaan di jiwa terjawab sempurna

Di sini ku temu kan kedamaian
Tiada yang lain kan menggoyahkan
Ku ikrarkan sungguh sepenuh hatiku
Sepenuh hatiku..

Aku bersaksi bahwa tiada tuhan selain Allah
Penguasa Alam semesta
Dan aku bersaksi bahwa Nabi Muhammad utusanNya
Bagi seluruh manusia di dunia

Keyakinan hati ini membuatku memilih jalan ini
Selamanya akan aku pasrahkan
Hidup dan mati kepada Mu Tuhan

Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada tuhan selain Allah
Penguasa Alam semesta
Dan aku bersaksi bahwa Nabi Muhammad utusanNya
Bagi seluruh manusia di dunia

Ku bersaksi bahawa tiada tuhan selain Allah
Penguasa Alam semesta
Dan Nabi Muhammad utusanNya
Bagi seluruh manusia di dunia

Tiada tuhan selain Allah
Nabi Muhammad utusanNya [2x]

a journey to become a rawahil~

I want to be a rawahil!
insyAllah =)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

kerana hati-hati ini...

Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahawa..
hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihi Mu
Bertemu untuk mematuhi perintah Mu
Bersatu memikul beban dakwah Mu
Hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia..
untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syariatMu

Maka eratkan lah ya Allah akan ikatannya
Kekalkan kemesraan antara hati-hati ini
Tunjukkanlah kepada hati-hati ini..
akan jalannya yang sebenar
Penuhkanlah piala hati ini..
dengan limpahan iman, keyakinan dan keindahan tawakkal kepada Mu
Hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini..
dengan makrifat, pengetahuan sebenar tentangMu

Jika Engkau mentakdirkan mati
Maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini..
sebagai para syuhada' dlm perjuangan agama Mu

Engkau lah sebaik-baik sandaran..
dan sebaik-baik penolong ya Allah
Perkenankanlah permintaan ini
Amin ya rabbal A'alamin..

its so near...

“Sesungguhnya ada salah seorang dari kalian beramal dengan
amalan ahli surga sehingga jarak antara dirinya dengan surga
hanya hanya tinggal satu hasta, tapi (catatan) takdir
mendahuluinya lalu dia beramal dengan amalan ahli neraka,
lantas ia memasukinya. Dan sesungguhnya ada salah seorang
dari kalian beramal dengan amalan ahli neraka sehingga jarak
antara dirinya dengan neraka hanya tinggal satu hasta, tapi
(catatan) takdir mendahuluinya, lalu ia beramal dengan amalan
ahli surga, lantas ia memasukinya.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

I was looking at my dream
that is being deemed far away
and I was standing blankly

i don’t have
anything left any more,
its never has been mine in the first place,
its His'.

Even today, step by step
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fear,
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards
the dream that I am going to meet some day.

As I’m thinking if it is going end like this,
a fear constantly comes,
I’m hesitating but…
Deep inside my heart
there’s an unstoppable beating
that drags me forward.

the light...
the calling...
the dream...
the happiness...
the rewards...
its for eternity.

dream of meeting Him,
dream of seeing Him,
dream of being with Him,
dream of smiling to Him,
dream of step by step getting closer to Him.

the chain

if we cannot see the success today,
let our children see it.
because this road is so long and full of hardship.
every step of it requires sacrifices.
make the best of today,
because we may not see tomorrow.
if we become the initiator of the chain,
isn't it good enough?
let the chain continues,
binding many hearts towards Allah swt.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the best and the rest

do your best,
and let Allah swt do the rest!

All of us are going through some difficult time.
Those period where there are so many things to do,
and so many obligations to fulfill.
Until to the extend where there's a feeling of not having enough time to perform all.
Even there's a time where the tears just won't stop flooding the eye.

May Allah swt bless us always and guide us.
and May Allah swt accept these little amal that we are trying to do in this world, in order to seek His pleasure...
May all of our hearts and intentions are pure and sacred from any riya' or any intention other than seeking Allah's pleasure. insyAllah

Allah saw did say in the Holy Quran:

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
1. Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan bagimu: dadamu (Wahai Muhammad serta mengisinya Dengan iman dan hidayah petunjuk) ?
2. dan Kami telah meringankan bebanmu daripadamu:(menyiarkan Islam) -
3. Yang memberati tanggunganmu,
4. dan Kami tinggikan sebutan (nama)mu bagimu.
5. Maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) Bahawa Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,
6. Bahawa Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.
7. Maka apabila Engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal Soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah Engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh Yang lain),
8. dan kepada Tuhanmu sahaja hendaklah Engkau memohon (Apa Yang Engkau gemar dan ingini).

Al-Insyirah: 1-8


subhanAllah...He guides us with Love and Care...
May Allah swt Guide us always...insyAllah..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the disaster and the beauty

it happen in just a split of a second.

if it is Allah's will, there's nobody that could stop it.
even people with the greatest power and rank in the world,
even the riches people that exist,
or even the most intelligent people on earth.
There's nothing that they could do to stop it.

ever wonder why it happen?
what is it that is so important, that these accident happen?
what is it that Allah swt wanted to show to us?
what is the hikmah behind all this?

is it because we are too forgetful?
is it because we are too full of ourselves?
is it because the wealth that we own? but not even fraction of it given to those in need?
is it because we are too proud and arrogant because of our power?

did we see it as another nikmat and rezeki from Allah swt?
did we see it as another reminder from Allah swt? because Allah swt love us?
did we see the beauty behind it?
did we?

if you don't...
then why there is a beautiful and extraordinary rainbow in the sky?

look to the right

Looking straight

Looking to the left

its His sign of love towards His servant.
only those who love Him can see it.
only those who are longed to meet Him can see it.
only those who are running and striving in this world to be the best in the akhirah can see it.

If the rubber can be shaped, why not our heart? why can't it be shaped to be more obedient towards Allah swt?

only those who open their heart, mind and soul can see it.
insyAllah =)

Monday, March 14, 2011

dream about it

if you think the world is pretty full of your desire,
dream that the heaven is overflow with all of your desire.

if you think that you could achieve your happiness in this world,
dream that you could gain an eternal happiness in the heaven.

if you think that you would like to have huge house and cars,
dream that you could gain a kingdom much bigger than the world.

if you think that you could gain millions of money in this world,
dream that you could gain heaven made out of gold and diamonds.

if you think that the guys are too handsome and the girls are too pretty in this world, that could make your heart deugun...deugun,
dream that in the heaven you could have much better looking guys and prettier girls, that could spend your eternal life with. and your heart will never stop deugun..deugun...

if you think that all the nikmat in this world makes you want to say Alhamdulillah, subhanAllah and masyaAllah,
dream that in the heaven, the people are so noisy because of the eternal and never ending nikmat that they gain, which cause them to say more Alhamdulillah, subhanAllah and masyAllah.

if you think that you are about to do sins that would lead you to hell,
dream that you will loose all the opportunity to enter the heaven that all of us dream of. Dream about the beautiful heaven.
Dream about the happiness in heaven.
Dream about the desire that you want so badly in this world, will just go astray if you do sins without shame in this world. The world that belongs to Allah swt.
if this doesnt work, you could do the sin.

Never stop dreaming.
dream about heaven,
dream about meeting with Allah swt,
dream about the long awaited meeting with Rasulullah saw.
dream about it...
dream about it...
and keep dreaming.
until you achieve the eternal happiness that you are longed waited for.

The story of the two farmers

(O Muhammad), propound a parable to them. There were two men of whom We bestowed upon one of the two vineyards, surrounding both of them with date-palms and putting a tillage in between. (32)

Both the vineyards yielded abundant produce without failure and We caused a stream to flow in their midst (33)

so the owner had fruit in abundance and he said to his neighbour, while conversing with him: “I have greater wealth than you and I am stronger than you in numbers.”(34)

Then he entered his vine-yard and said, wronging himself: “Surely, I do not believe that all this will ever perish. (35)

Nor do I believe that the Hour of Resurrection will ever come to pass. And even if I am returned to my Lord, I shall find a better place than this.”(36)

While conversing with him his neighbour exclaimed: “Do you deny Him Who created you out of dust, then out of a drop of sperm, and then fashioned you into a complete man? (37)

As for myself, Allah alone is my Lord, and I associate none with my Lord in His Divinity.(38)

When you entered your vineyard, why did you not say: ‘Whatever Allah wills shall come to pass, for there is no power save with Allah!’ If you find me less than yourself in wealth and children (39)

it may well be that my Lord will give me something better than your vineyard, and send a calamity upon your vineyard from the heavens and it will be reduced to a barren waste, (40)

or the water of your vineyard will be drained deep into the ground so that you will not be able to seek it out.”(41)

Eventually all his produce was destroyed and he began to wring his hands in sorrow at the loss of what he had spent on it, and on seeing it fallen down upon its trellises, saying: “Would I had not associated anyone with my Lord in His Divinity.” (42)

And there was no host, beside Allah, to help him, nor could he be of any help to himself. (43)

(Then he knew) that all power of protection rests with Allah, the True One. He is the best to reward, the best to determine the end of things. (44)

(O Prophet), propound to them the parable of the present life: it is like the vegetation of the earth which flourished luxuriantly when it mingled with the water that We sent down from the sky, but after that the same vegetation turned into stubble which the winds blew about. Allah alone has the power over all things. (45)

(Surah Al-Kahf 18:32 – 45)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


for this:

"Allah (Pemberi) cahaya (kepada) langit dan bumi. Perumpamaan cahaya-Nya seperti sebuah lubang yang tidak tembus, yang di dalamnya ada pelita besar. Pelita itu dalam tabung kaca, (dan) tabung kaca itu bagaikan bintang yang berkilauan, yang dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pohon yang diberkahi, (yaitu) pohon zaitun yang tumbuh tidak di timur dan tidak pula di barat, yang minyaknya (sahaja) hampir-hampir menerangi, walaupun tidak disentuh api. Cahaya di atas cahaya (berlapis-lapis), Allah memberi petunjuk kepda cahayaNya bagi orang yang Dia Kehendaki, dan Allah Membuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan bagi manusia. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu" (An-Nur: 35)

(Cahaya itu) di rumah-rumah yang di sana telah Diperintahkan Allah untuk memuliakan dan menyebut namaNya, di sana bertasbih (menyucikan) namaNya pada waktu pagi dan petang (An-Nur: 36)

Orang yang tidak dilalaikan oleh perdagangan dan jual beli dari mengingat Allah, melaksanakan solat, menunaikan zakat. Mereka takut pada hari ketika hati dan penglihatan menjadi guncang (hari Kiamat) (An-Nur: 37)

(Mereka melakukan itu) agar Allah Memberi balasan kepada mereka dengan yang lebih baik daripada apa yang telah mereka kerjakan, dan agar Dia Menambah kurniaNya kepada mereka. Dan Allah Memberi rezeki kepada siapa saja yang Dia Kehendaki tanpa batas. (An-Nur: 38)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


There are so many ways
to say our thank you towards Allah swt.
it can be in forms of words - Alhamdulillah.
and it can also be in the form of obedience towards Him.
The only God that all of the human existence and makhluk
prostrate to,
leave everything to,
rely everything to,
and seek forgiveness.

Isn't it funny that we require laptops and internet connection that's being charged, in order to communicate to the other side of the world. But since our doa is wireless, it covers the whole universe for free!! and throughout the network, we can communicate with Allah swt anytime and from anywhere.

I was moved by this ayat, from Al-Quran the words of love from Allah swt:

"And be not like those who forgot Allah , so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient." (Al-Hasyr: 19)

in malay translation:

"Dan janganlah kamu seperti orang-orang yang lupa kepada Allah swt, sehingga Allah menjadikan mereka lupa akan diri sendiri. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik" (Al-Hasyr: 19)

of course none of us would dream of becoming one of those people who are "the defiantly disobedient" or fasik. Those people who knows, but behave as if they don't know.

If we wanted to fill our deed basket with good deeds, to be brought in the akhirah, we must ensure ourself to never forget Allah swt. Because He is the one that will guide us through our amal. And if Allah swt meredai, then only we could get His Jannah. If not, no matter how many basket of good deeds that you bring in front of Allah swt, if He did not accept the deeds that you do in the dunia (maybe because of your riya'), even the smell of Jannah is just a dream that can never became a reality. Instead, it will turn out to be a huge nightmare!! Because the door of hell is wide open for you! Nauzubillah.

That is why, no matter who we are, where we are and whatever that we are doing, always remember that Allah swt will always be watching you and be with you. Never forget Him, or you will forget of yourself.

Friday, March 4, 2011

siapa punya?!

Piramid tu firaun yang punya..

Harta yang banyak pulak, qarun yang punya..

takut mati tu dan panjang umur, seperti sifat dan kehendak firaun,
banyak harta dan kesenangan hidup, seperti sifat dan kehendak qarun

Akhirnya, mereka berdua masuk neraka.

jadi, macam mana doa kita? panjang umur, byk rezeki?

p/s this makes a perfect sense!

is it too hard?

is it that hard?
or is it too easy?

why is it so hard to change, to become a better person,
and the other way round when becoming the bad ones?
no, let the sentence be rephrased.
why is it too hard to become an abid Allah swt,
but too easy to be the companions of syaitan?

why is it too easy to change when the voices successufully conquer the heart and mind?
and why is it too easy to say yes when it is clear that it is supposed to be NO?!

why is it too easy to forget the good things that should constantly be performed? and always remember to do the horrible things that Allah swt forbid every human being to do?

is it that hard to change?
or is it too easy?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cold Breath

Last week, it was extremely cold....
cold beyond imagination.

It was so cold, they said these were temperatures we havent seen in more than a decade.

Pipes froze and burst, many people lost electricity and many even died.

There was ice on the cars, ice on the trees, ice on the on the grass.

When the arctic wind blew, it cut through to the bone. It hit across the face and numbed whatever it touched.

And as I felt the chilling effects of these below-freezing temperatures, I thought of Jahannum.
Yes, Jahannum.

Now, why would I remember Jahannum, one might ask, in this Siberian weather?
Isnt Jahannum fiery, burning and hot?

Yes. But, although Jahannum is a place known for its unimaginable heat, scorching blazes and sweltering fires, there are also places within it that are extremely cold, frigid and chilling.

So frigid are these places that it would burn and scorch and torture a person just as the severest fire would and worse.

And this extreme state of coldness in Jahannum is called Zamhareer.

The state of the Hell of Zamhareer is a suffering of extreme coldness, of blizzards and freeze for the people who will enter Jahannum. (May Allaah protect us from it).

Yet its coldness is not a pleasure or a relief to the sinners. Rather it is a severe punishment and burning torture which no one would ever be able to bear.

Ibnul Qayyim said about the following Ayah:

"Nothing cool shall they taste therein, nor any drink. Except boiling water, and Ghasaaqaa”
[Al Naba: 24-25]

It is Zamhareer, it burns them with its extreme cold just as it burns them with its heat. It was also stated by Mujaahid and Muqaatil that it is the peak of coldness. (Badaai al Fawaa-id)

Allaah mentions this Zamhareer when he talks about the rewards of the people of Jannah and how they are saved from its cold torture, its extreme frigidity and biting frost.

''They will recline on thrones. They will not see the excessive heat of the sun, nor the extreme bitterness of cold (Zamhareera).''
(Surah Insan:13)

And the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
“The Fire says: Master, some of me eats other parts, so grant me a breath (respite). Thus (the Fire) was granted a breath in the summer and a breath in the winter. So whatever you find of bitter cold or Zamhareer, thus it is from a breath of Jahannum, and whatever you find of heat or Haruur, thus it is from a breath of Jahannum”. (Muslim)

So what did the righteous people do when they experienced extreme cold winters and low temperatures?

They remembered this hadeeth and asked Allaah to protect them from Jahannum and its bitter cold as well as its severe heat.

Ibn Rajab said: “And from the virtues of winter is that it reminds one of the extreme cold of Hell and pushes one to seek refuge from it…"

So when winter comes along and the arctic wind blows and temperatures drop, use it as a reminder for the Aakhirah.

When your fingers and toes are so cold and numb, that you can no longer feel them and when your shake and shiver in the frigid weather, remember Zamhareer and its bitter coldness.

These winds, these extremes of temperatures, this ice and snow are signs amongst the signs of Allaah. They are reminders of our life to come and of the Aakhirah.

So seek refuge in Allaah from Jahannum and its heat and its coldness. Do all you can to stay away from it and do all you can to protect yourself from it. And never forget the Day when you will stand in front of Him and give account of all that you said and did.

The famous worshipper Raabiah said:

"I have never heard the adhaan except that I remember the caller who will announce the Day of Resurrection, and I never see the falling snow except that I imagine the flying pages of the records of peoples deeds (on that day), and I never see swarms of locusts except that I think about the Great Gathering on the Last Day."
(Sifah Al-Safwah)

And Sufyan ibn Uyaynah said that Ibrahim at-Taymee said:

"I imagined myself in the Hellfire with its iron chains and blazing fire eating from Zaqqoom (a tree in hell with exceedingly bitter fruit), and drinking from its Zamhareer (a bitterly cold drink), so I said "O my soul what do you long for?"

It replied "To return to the world and perform a righteous action by which I will be saved form this punishment".
I also imagined myself in Paradise with its Hoori dressed in silken garments (of Paradise) with gold embroidery.
I said "O my soul! What do you long for?"
It said "To return to the world and perform a righteous action by which this reward will increase." So I said to myself "You are in the world and (surrounded by) aspirations".

O Allaah, we seek Your refuge from the torment of Jahannum, from its Zamhareer (coldness) as well as Haruur (heat). Ameen.

for Freedom

Just beautiful~
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